Peak Design

Which Camera Strap is Right for You?
I’ve been on the hunt for the perfect camera strap. There are so many different types that work for different photographers. Here’s the bulk of my research. You can decide for yourself which camera strap is right for you…

The Best Camera Bags [Updated]
There are hundreds of camera bags on the market, with new ones joining the competition every year. Which is the best fit for you?

The Best Tripods According to SLR Lounge [Updated]
No matter what you're shooting, be it a portrait, HDR landscapes, video clips, long exposures, or panoramas, you'll need a tripod to lock down your camera.

Peak Design Calls Out Amazon for “Ripping Off” Their Design
We’ve reviewed and tested a lot of Peak Design products over the years, which is why it was so surprising ...

Peak Design Teams with L. Renee Blount, Sony, & BorrowLenses To Provide Gear Grants for Black Photographers
Inspired and directed by the work of L. Renee Blount ( Peak Design has teamed up with Sony & BorrowLenses ...

Peak Design Tripod Review | Is It Worth the Cost?
Peak Design’s enters the tripod market swinging, launching the world’s most portable, packable, easy-to-setup professional travel tripod for amateurs and professionals alike. It took them 4 years to perfect, but now it's here. On Kickstarter. Available for pre-order for a limited-time discount at

The New Peak Design Leash & Cuff Review | Better Made & More Stylish
Worthy functional and aesthetic upgrades to two of the best 'buys' in photography gear.

Peak Design Addresses Flaw With 2018 Anchors – Will Replace For Free
They secure your camera, so you may as well ensure they're working.

CRANK Juice Box | External Battery Built For Creatives That Can Also Jump Your Car
20 years ago there were those who were into gadgets and those who really didn’t give a stuff, but that ...

Mini Review of Peak Design’s Everyday Backpack & Sling | Facebook Live
We had the chance to get our hands on Peak Design’s unbelievably durable Everyday Bags, hand crafted with the photographer ...

8 Must Have Photography Products for Mom Photographers + Aide de Camp Camera Bag Giveaway
Here are 8 of Tanya's favorite (or wish list) photography products for moms, plus an awesome camera bag giveaway from Aide de Camp!

The Secrets of Successful Photography Kickstarter Campaigns
Crowdfunding has made a mark in the photography industry with many, many photographers seeking backers for their photography projects. Here are three companies I spoke with hoping to gather some insight on launching a successful Kickstarter campaign.