Pye Jirsa

white balance

Understanding White Balance & Color Temperatures in 8 Steps


This article puts the SLR Lounge spin on simplifying White Balance and Color Temperatures to help you gain full control over your photography regardless of what kind of scene you may be shooting in.

new feature candid couples photo

Full Frame Vs Crop Sensor Cameras | Find the Right Fit for Your Photography


When it comes to sensor sizes in cameras, the two most popular sizes include “full frame” and “crop.” The term ...

How to Capture Stunning Fireworks Portraits


I recently shot a wedding with a firework show and I wanted to show you how I captured the best firework image with a simple composite trick.

Outdoor Flash Photography Tips for Natural or Dramatic Portraits


For some photographers, flash is only used out of necessity in low light scenarios. These natural light photographers rarely, if ...

portraits with a wide angle lens

Tips for Portraits With A Wide Angle Lens


Wide-angle lenses are often considered landscape and architectural photography lenses, but they also offer unique creative possibilities for portrait photography. ...

Lightroom Tethering | Ultimate Guide to Tethered Capture in Lightroom


A popular way to import images into Lightroom is to use tethered capture. this is a great option for when ...

beginners guide to flash photography

Beginner’s Guide to Flash Photography – Tips, Tricks and Lessons


Struggling with flash? We've come up with 9 insightful tips to help you master flash photography.

portrait composition

Portrait Composition Tips for Better Photography


Many photographers often settle for basic compositions and then find themselves wondering how professionals capture captivating portraits. The secret often ...

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How to Capture Dramatic Portraits Using Off-Camera Flash By Yourself


How you approach a scene determines the end result and without a proper plan of attack, things may fall short. ...

how to take sharp photos

How to Take Sharp Photos in 12 Tips


In this article, I'm going to look at what contributes to a photo's sharpness, and what you can do to maximize the sharpness of your images.

Best Smoke Bombs for Photography & Tips on How to Use Them


We found the best smoke bomb for photography and wanted to offer 5 tips on how to use them safely and creatively.

couples poses

The First 5 Couples Poses Every Photographer Should Learn


Learn the 5 couples poses that every photographer should know for perfect couples portraits!

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