Press Release

Flashpoint XPLOR 1200 Pro R2 Announced SLR Lounge 2000x1125

Flashpoint Announces Its New Flagship Light – The XPLOR 1200 Pro R2

David Crewe

Flashpoint Announces the XPLOR Power 1200 Pro R2 Flash - Flagship Model of R2 Portable Flash Series Now Available at Adorama

Tamron 28 200mm a071 Lens Announcement SLR Lounge 2000x1125

Tamron Launches The Worlds First All-In-One Zoom Lens For Sony E-Mount – The 28-200mm F/2.8-5.6 Di III RXD

David Crewe

Tamron has just announced the launch of the 28-200mm F/2.8-5.6 Di III RXD (Model A071), an all-in-one zoom lens for Sony E-mount full-frame mirrorless cameras. The lens is scheduled to be available on June 25 at $729(USD). Due to the spread of COVID-19, the release date or the product supply schedule could be delayed.

Adobe Releases Updates to Fresco and Photoshop for iPad SLR Lounge 2000x1333

Curves & Apple Pencil Pressure Sensitivity Come To Photoshop on iPad

David Crewe

Today, Adobe has released updates to Fresco, and Photoshop on iPad that are sure to make some users quite excited. ...

Nikon Reports Extraordinary Losses Due To Coronavirus Pandemic SLR Lounge

Nikon’s Latest Financial Statements Warn of “Extraordinary Losses” Due To Covid-19

David Crewe

This week Nikon Corp released two financial statements recognizing, and warning investors of "extraordinary losses" related to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Flashpoint XPLOR 300 Pro TTL R2 Announced SLR Lounge 2000x1333

Flashpoint Announces The XPLOR 300 Pro Monolight

David Crewe

The Flashpoint XPLOR 300 Pro is a powerful yet compact 300W strobe light, built on the renowned R2 series of wireless flashes.

Sony 20mm f1.8 G FE SLR Lounge 2000x1333

Sony Expands Full-Frame Lens Lineup With A New 20mm Ultra-Wide F1.8 Prime Lens

David Crewe

The New FE 20mm F1.8 G from Sony is the widest full-frame prime lens in E-mount lineup.

Fuji Instax 11 SLR Lounge 2000x1333

Fujifilm Announces Latest INSTAX Mini Camera – The Mini 11

David Crewe

More fun news for instant film fans came out this week, Fujifilm has announced the launch of INSTAX Mini 11, ...

Elinchrom ELC 100 500 SLR Lounge 2000x1333

Elinchrom Launches Their Next Generation of Flash Units; The ELC 125 & ELC 500

David Crewe

Master your next adventure with the new generation of elinchrom studio flash units.

Sony Xperia 1 II Mark two SLR Lounge 2000x1333

Sony Announced the New Xperia 1 Mark ii – The Power of a Sony Mirrorless Camera in a Smartphone!

David Crewe

Sony’s New Flagship Xperia 1 II Smartphone Delivers the Complete Creative Entertainment Experience, Offering the World’s First Smartphone with up to 20 fps Continuous Shooting Capability

Nikon D6 And Z Lenses SLR Lounge 2000x1333

Nikon Delivers Powerful New Innovations – The Nikon D6 Flagship DSLR and Two NIKKOR Z Lenses

David Crewe

Nikon has officially announced the details, pricing, and release dates for the new flagship D6 camera, along with 2 new Z Series Lenses for Mirrorless: the 24-200mm f/4-6.3 and 20mm f/1.8

Fujifilm GF 45 100mm F4 R LM OIS W SLR Lounge 2000x1333

Fujifilm Announces New 45-100mm GFX Lens and GF Lens Roadmap

David Crewe

FUJIFILM Launches a new GFX lens, and announces the latest developments for G-Mount Interchangeable Lenses with a 2020 Roadmap - Exclusive 13-lens lineup, including 2 newly-announced lenses, provides comprehensive shooting coverage

Fujifilm Launches X t200 Mirrorless SLR Lounge 2000x1333

Fujifilm Launches Compact & Lightweight Mirrorless X-T200 Camera

David Crewe

Introducing the X-T200 Mirrorless Digital Camera: A Fully-Featured Camera To Document Those Day-to-Day Moments