
Vibrance vs Saturation | What is the Difference?
Justin Heyes
Understand this to make your editing life easier and faster

Biggest-Ever Affinity Updates Bring Unrivaled Speed, Power and Extensive New Features
David Crewe
Affinity Photo Updates bring GPU compute acceleration, HDR monitor support and a new memory management system to ensure the Affinity suite continues to be at the cutting edge of modern creative software.

Top Adobe Alternatives for Photographers
Justin Heyes
There are alternatives, and they are brilliant.

Pixelmator Pro for Mac | Another Attempt At Adobe Dethronement
Justin Heyes
Adobe has played their hand with the latest Creative Cloud update. Instead of the aces they hope photographers thought it would ...

Affinity Photo 1.6 Update | Faster, Smoother, More Powerful Than Ever Before
Justin Heyes
Adobe’s Photoshop, a name in itself conjures thought of photo manipulation, has been the quintessential post-production photo editor has lasted ...

ON1 Photo RAW | ‘The Future Of Raw Processing’ Or Confused Alternative?
Kishore Sawh
ON1 is making waves and bold claims about their new software, and it comes at a time many are looking for an Adobe alternative, but is it enough?