
Review | Fuji Fujinon XF 60mm f/2.4 R Macro Lens

Kishore Sawh

We take a look at Fuji's longest tele prime to see how it performs. It's marketed as a macro, but this, as it turns out, isn't its best quality.

‘Ant Tales’ – Unbelievable Macro Images of Real Ants in a Fairy Tale World


Russian photographer Andrei Pavlov, aka "Antry" spends his days patiently photographing the red forest ants in his backyard creating a fairy tale world, using the most unlikely of subjects.

DIY $10 Smartphone Macro Photo Stand

Jules Ebe

Have about $10 and 20 minutes? You could be photographing cells with your smartphone the same day, as well as be the hero of young children and your geeky friends alike!

I Just Bought a New DSLR Camera, Now What? A Basic Primer on Automated Camera Modes


You have just bought a DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera) or advanced point and shoot camera with DSLR capabilities, now what? You might be asking yourself, “How can I start learning how to take professional quality photographs?” The goal of the SLR Lounge Shooting Guide is to teach you the techniques and insights that will make you a better photographer. For now, let’s focus on understanding some of the basic automated camera modes to help you start using your camera right away!