Max Bridge


What Tripod Head is Right For Me?

Max Bridge

They're not as glamorous as lenses, but having the right one can make all the difference in the world.

Which Is Better? Strobes Vs Speedlights For Product Photography

Best Lighting for Product Photography

Max Bridge

Choosing the correct light is essential for a product photographer. In this article, I discuss whether one can use the far far cheaper speedlight or if we must be stuck using only the most expensive strobes.

What Camera Should I get? | How Many Megapixels Do I Need?

Max Bridge

What camera should I get is one of those fundamental questions that, at some point, we all ask. In this article, we cover one of the key measurements we all use when deciding which camera to purchase. Megapixels

What is Flash Duration and Why Does It Matter?

Max Bridge

With the recent release of some fairly impressive flashes, there's been a lot of talk about flash durations. I've also noticed a lot of misinformation which, at worst, could be misleading people. Read this to make sure you're not being duped by the marketing hype.

3 Ways To Remove Backgrounds In Photoshop

Max Bridge

There is bound to come a time when an ability to create accurate masks around your subject and replacing a background will come in handy, Here’s 3 ways to do it.


Think Like A Cinematographer & Make Portrait Shoots A Breeze

Max Bridge

The prospect of a professional shoot can be a daunting thing. This simple method will ensure that you can always keep on top of things, no matter how you're feeling!

Travel Photography Tips | From Plane to Post Processing

Max Bridge

Are you going on holiday this summer? Whether you’re going away with friends, partners, family or on your own I guarantee that if you leave your camera at home, falling victim to the “it will be too difficult” mentality, you will regret it.


Helicon Focus Review | Is This The Best Focus Stacking Software?

Max Bridge

Focus Stacking is a simple technique. It’s easy to learn and easy to implement. The resulting photos, however, can be striking and unique. Read this review to find out if you need focus stacking software like Helicon Focus.


Down & Dirty Dodge And Burn Technique Using ‘Blend If’

Max Bridge

Blend If is a highly undervalued tool in Photoshop. I use it on a daily basis for lots of different things and by the end of this article, you will too.

How to Whiten Teeth in Photoshop

Max Bridge

Don't let your portrait be ruined by bad teeth. Like in life, they need attention, and Aaron Nace will show you the right way to think about and correct discolored and misshapen teeth.


Using Splash Photography To Produce Something Special | How I Shot It

Max Bridge

You asked for it, here it is: Max walks you through the shoot and post processing of a detailed product shot.

Aspiring Photographers Listen Up - Career Advice From A Commercial Photographer

Career Advice From A Commercial Photographer | How To Survive

Max Bridge

The advice contained in this article is the single most important thing for anyone wishing to start a career as a commercial photographer. So many photographers ignore this point and it's a massive mistake.

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