Photography Basics

The Photography basics category of our site will give you a foundation for your photography education.  While many of these are considered beginner or 101 tips and tutorials, they are essential to your understanding of photography.

What Is A Stop Of Light? (Explained in Simple Terms)

Wendell Weithers

There are many concepts in photography that are difficult to wrap your head around, and one that can be especially ...

5 Incredible Photography Courses for Moms

Tanya Goodall Smith

If you're a mom wanting to learn how to take better pictures of your kids or a budding photographer looking to improve your skills, look no further. Here are 5 incredible photography courses for moms I wholeheartedly recommend.

5 Essential Infographics For The Beginner Photographer


Photography is a fascinating and rewarding hobby, but it can also be overwhelming for beginners who are just starting out. ...

Perseid Meteor Shower 2015 | Everything You Need to Know to Photograph It

Matthew Saville

The Perseid Meteor Shower 2015 is here, and this year its peak will coincide with the blackest sky possible: a new moon! If you can find an area with clear weather, Even just a few minutes outside city limits, you may see some exciting meteors.

Photojournalism Tips for Getting the Perfect Candid Shot

Tanya Goodall Smith

I've picked up a lot of photojournalism tips from my fellow photographers through the years. Here's a rundown of the most helpful photojournalism tips I could find on the web.

5 Surprising Lessons I Learned from Photography 101

Tanya Goodall Smith

When SLR Lounge released the Photography 101 Workshop DVD, I was excited to have a beginning class to recommend to my friends, but didn't really think I had much to learn from a 101 level course. Surprisingly, the entire workshop was full of 'Aha' moments for me. Here are 5 surprising lessons I learned from Photography 101.

Why Auto-ISO + Manual Mode Is the Best Auto Exposure Mode

Anthony Thurston

Many of you have and do use Shutter Priority or Aperture Priority on a consistent basis. But what if I told you that Auto ISO, when combined with Manual Mode is actually the best auto-exposure mode there is?

Photographer Attacked, Beaten, and Robbed During Wedding | 5 Tips To Stay Safe


A Baltimore photographer was robbed and beaten at a wedding this past weekend. Also, 5 safety tips for photographers.

5 More Simple Tips For Taking Great Family Portraits

Michelle Ford

Five more tips to help photographers take family portraits

Why Are Some People In My Group Portraits So Soft? – Q&A with Matthew Saville

Matthew Saville

Question: What is the best way to get family portraits in focus, without totally sacrificing shallow DOF?  Sometimes people on ...

Getting Creative With Lens Flare

J. Cassario

As photographers, we are creative beings. I’m a strong believer that it’s our creativity and artistic talents that separate each ...

How To Photograph A Meteor Shower – The 2013 Perseids

Matthew Saville

For those of you who don’t know, (and for those of you in the Northern Hemisphere) the Perseid meteor shower ...