So, we’re all on “lockdown” and can’t get to the gym to keep up with our fitness routines. For the avid gym-goer, things are pretty bleak and frustrating. The lack of motion can make you feel down, fidgety and nervous…so what are we as stuck-at-home creatives to do? Luckily, there are a lot of at-home options available out there, and in this new, Vanessa Joy details the process and journey for her personal goal of doing a fitness photoshoot, all the while managing her business and her family.
Using the Liift4 workout from Beachbody on Demand, she did at-home workouts to get ready for her shoot with Alexis Cuarezma, and she made a fitness journey vlog all about it (with photo shoot BTS included).
Joy’s goal was not really about weight loss but more overall home gym exercise methods and general health/self improvement, and of course, to show off the at-home-workout results! With the way things are currently, at-home workout solutions are being highly searched, so we hope you find this encouraging! Watch the video below, and let us know if you’ve got any questions or comments.
Remember, if you’re thinking of working out at home or just getting in better shape, it’s very important to set a goal (big or small), work towards it, and document it along the way to hold yourself accountable!
Alexis says in the video, “To be a successful photographer or creative, you have to be able to work hard, and will that vision into existence. Regardless of what you have to do to get there.” As a business owner and photographer, it takes a lot of strength to do what we do. There are a lot of ways to show strength, and Vanessa chose to show it physically. The real challenge is to find that perfect balance.
Check Out Some Of Vanessa’s Fitness Photoshoot with Alexis Cuarezma Below;
Additionally Vanessa is trying to help out other photographers during this down time and is giving away her social media mini course here. Check out all the details on that in the video below;
*Images & Video shared with permission
So folks, what do you think of her journey? The Home Workout routine? Vanessa’s mini course? And most importantly, the images captured and created by Alexis? Let us know in the comments below.