Photography Careers and Business
Resources for running your business

SLR Lounge Ambassador Feature | Tanya Goodall Smith
Learn more about one of our SLR Lounge Educational Ambassadors, Tanya Goodall Smith.

Fundy Designer Version 10 | Is it THAT different?
I know what you're thinking, "great another upgrade". But I think you're going to want to hear about this one.

A Brutally Honest Conversation on Pricing and Sales in Photography
Pye reacts to the great conversation and debate around pricing and sales from the last video.

Why Pro Photographers Are Going Out Of Business
What has been affecting professional photographers' business, or lack thereof, in recent years and how things might be changing for the better in the not so distant future. Watch and listen to Joseph Cristina, a professional with two decades of experience, and then share your first-hand accounts with the community!

10 Top Professional Photographers Give Their Best Networking Tips
Need to up your networking game? Here are some solid networking tips for photographers, by 10 professional photographers.

Is Photography As We Know It Dying? Pye & Patrick Discuss How You Can Stay Relevant
In this recent Fstoppers video, Patrick Hall & our own Pye Jirsa get to the heart of what's arguably been a constant argument from Photographers since the beginning of the craft; Is Photography dying? Join us, for this discussion and let us know your thoughts on the topic.

HoneyBook Review – Is This The Studio Management Software For You?
Honeybook has established itself as a serious contender in the studio management software game. We reviewed it's features to help you determine if it's a good fit for your business.

Professional vs Consumer Prints – The Primary Differences and How to Educate Your Clients
When the time comes to print photos, most people tend to look for the quickest, cheapest way to get it ...