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28 Apr 2024
Tips & Tricks

Shallow Depth of Field | Aperture Guide Pt 2

In this article, we will talk about what aperture is primarily used for in photography, which is to control depth of field (DOF). Depth of field is the front-to-back zone in a photograph where objects appear acceptably sharp. We will cover both the shallow and deep depth of field, as well as the other factors that affect depth of field, aperture, distance between you and the subject, focal length, and the sensor size.


How We Shot it – Environmental Portrait with Singer-Songwriter Sabrina

This environmental portrait is part of an editorial assignment that I had for Sabrina Claudio, an up-and-coming young singer-songwriter from Florida. In an environmental portrait, the surrounding tells just as much of the visual story as the subject. The client also wanted the lighting to look natural, so the trick here is to add just enough ambient lighting to balance out the three Einstein monolight strobes that I used to light this image.