adobe Photoshop

Sky Replacement Adobe Photoshop 2021 vs Skylum Luminar 4 SLR Lounge

AI Sky Replacement – Adobe Photoshop 2021 vs Skylum Luminar 4

David Crewe

It seems that everywhere you look today with Photo retouching tools, it’s all about the AI tools that are available; ...

How To CUt A Person Out IN Photoshop Phlearn SLR Lounge

How to Cut A Person Out For A YouTube Thumbnail with Photoshop

David Crewe

Learn how to create a popular YouTube thumbnail style in Photoshop! Quickly cut a person from their background, help them stand out by adding a white border around them, and then finish things off with some text and simple design elements.

Adobe for iPad Update Sensei AI Subject Select SLR Lounge 2000x1333

First Update to Photoshop for iPad Released – Includes Adobe Sensei AI Powered Subject Select Tool

David Crewe

Announced and released during Adobe MAX just a few weeks ago, this week Adobe added their first update to the Photoshop for iPad app including Sensei AI powered Subject Select Tool and Cloud Document Improvements.

Using ColourmapX Plugin To Match Skin Tones SLR Lounge 2000x1333

Quickly Fix Skin Tones In Your Images With ColourmapX

David Crewe

A headache I’ve heard a lot about from retouchers out there when doing portrait work is dealing with skin tones. ...

Adobe Photoshop 2020 Updates - Adobe Max - SLR Lounge

Photoshop for iPad, Cloud Documents and Other Updates Announced for Photoshop 2020

David Crewe

Adobe has released the latest update for Photoshop that comes loaded with a bunch of new and awesome features we've already covered the teasers on, and then much, much more! Including a controversial version of Photoshop for the iPad! We've got all the details here!

New Adobe Object Selection Tool Coming Soon To Photoshop - SLR Lounge - 2000x1333

Adobe Previews Another Sensei Powered Improvement Coming To Photoshop – The New “Object Selection Tool”

David Crewe

Adobe has yet another new and incredibly powerful feature for Photoshop coming in its soon to be released update. The new 'Object Selection Tool' will make your time spent on the computer retouching much much easier.

Justin Ho - Stop Motion Animation for Weddings - SLR Lounge - 2000x1333

Stop Motion Animations For Photographers

Justin Ho

Stop motion isn't just for Tim Burton films, they can be a great addition to your photography offerings! Wedding photographer Justin Ho shares how to make cinema-graphs in Photoshop and why he loves incorporating them into his client galleries.

Denis Dunbar - How to remove artifacts in your Jpegs

Hunting Down JPEG Artifacts with Difference Blending!

Dennis Dunbar

By using this simple test you can see for yourself just what detail might be getting lost when you scale & save your high res images using a lossy format, such as JPEG.

Adobe Photoshop Announces an Improved Content Aware Fill Tool

This Could Be The Biggest Improvement To Photoshop In Years – Adobe Announces Improved Content-Aware Fill

David Crewe

Adobe's latest sneak peek may just be the biggest and best improvement to Photoshop in YEARS! The optional controls that will be available soon for the Content-Aware Fill are sure to be game-changing for photographers and retouchers everywhere.

Retouching Toolkit 3.1 Review – A Near Perfect Extension For Adobe Photoshop Retouchers

David Crewe

The latest update to the Retouching Toolkit brings some incredible addons, (like the new color wheel), and powerful scripts to an already impressive and full customizable set of tools.

Unsubscribed and Deleted All Adobe CC Software – This Is What Happened

Joseph Cristina

This video marks the beginning of our journey together, “Life After Adobe - Cutting The Cord”, moving from Adobe software to PAID or FREE alternatives for professional creative work.

©Dave Moser

Lose the Glare! 3 Simple Steps to Cleaning Up Those Blinding Glares in Eyeglasses!

Dennis Dunbar

What do you do when the person you’re shooting is wearing glasses and you've caught some reflections and glare in the lens? Fortunately there is a relatively simple way to deal with this in Adobe Photoshop so your portrait can shine without that distracting glare.

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