Best iPhone Camera Accessories to Expand Your Creative Toolkit

Best Iphone Accessories for Photography SLR Lounge

The iPhone is not just a phone; it’s a highly portable device with some of the best camera technology you can have. With the iPhone’s camera, you can exercise your creativity and build your photography skills everywhere you go. Also, it’s worth noting that the iPhone camera only represents the foundation. Like most conventional cameras, … Read more

10 Winter Landscape Photography Tips for Better Photos

Astro Landscapes 2015 024

Would you like to learn how to take great winter landscape photos? Well, we’ve put together a number of the most essential winter landscape photography tips for better photos so that the time you spend out in the cold will be well worth it when you get home and go through your images. Winter photographs … Read more

Grainy Photos 101 | Causes, Fixes and Artistry

grainy photos pexels flora westbrook

It’s the end of the day and the sun has set. As the light fades, the night sky catches your eye and you reach for your trusty camera, intending to capture this one-of-a-kind scene. However, to your disappointment, the image you take is lost in grainy shadows, far from what you were hoping to see. A grainy … Read more