HSS vs ND Filters | The Best Way to Sync Flash

HSS vs ND filters: Which is the best method for synchronizing flash?  Both high-speed sync and Neutral density filters have advantages and disadvantages, and we’ll tell you all about them. Depending on the type of photography you do, one technique might be perfect for you. First, what is flash synchronization? Basically, when you fire your … Read more

PolarPro QuartzLine Filter Review | A Polarizer and ND Filter In One

As a landscape photographer, I’ve always carried multiple polarizing filters with me into the field, sometimes just for backup, and other times because I’m planning to shoot with multiple cameras to capture photos, timelapse, and/or video footage. I took the new PolarPro QuartzLine filters up and down the California coast for some test scene seascapes … Read more

Why Every Wedding Videographer Needs An ND Filter

When a wedding photographer gets asked why they use flash in scenes it primarily is a stylistic/artistic choice, until it starts becoming a necessity for maximizing dynamic range. Similarly, wedding cinematographers find it critical to use ND filters in order to control their exposure and maintain an artistic aperture. [REWIND: HERE’S WHY YOU SHOULD USE … Read more

5 Tiffen ND Filters For Every Price Point

When searching for ND filters, optical quality should be the first characteristic on your list to consider. Remember that we’re using NDs to cut down the amount of light in a scene so that you can get to your sync speed since certain issues, such as a reduction of power anywhere between 4-7 stops of … Read more