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17 May 2024
Camera Reviews and News

Top Ten Nikon Customizations You Must Know!

Have you ever gotten sucked into one of those crazy camera debates, either Nikon vs Canon or something along those lines, and people start throwing around the phrase “it’s just a matter of preference, and the “feel” of the camera” …And you realized you didn’t have any REAL, SOLID REASONS for preferring the “feel” of your Nikon D700? “It’s what I’m used to” is actually a pretty weak excuse, when you actually think about it. Just because I learned to drive on a Toyota, that doesn’t mean I should forget about all other car brands!


Planning a Successful Concept Shoot

The purpose of having a mock shoot, also known as a concept shoot, is for photographers and other businesses to show off what they are capable of capturing and creating.  Sharing a concept shoot is an opportune way to stretch yourself creatively, or take your business to another direction, attracting a different clientele if you are finding you aren’t getting a specific client you are looking for.  If you so happen to capture a great concept shoot, it’s also an opportunity to get published on a blog if you have not yet had the perfect wedding to share.

Tips & Tricks

Understanding Your Camera’s Drive Modes

Usually, when you press the shutter button on your camera, you take one photo. If you want take another photo, you just press the shutter button again. This is what is known as Single Shot drive mode and it is the default drive mode for all cameras. While this is great when you want to take your time between each shot, but there are also other drive modes that are more specialized for different scenarios.

Camera Reviews and News

New Panasonic GH3: Heavyweight Mirrorless Hybrid Stills & Motion Camera in Lightweight, Weather Sealed Body

The Panasonic GH3 is the flagship stills and video camera for the micro 4/3 eco-system. Boasting weather sealing, up to 1080p 60p, 3 command wheels, many direct buttons, optional battery grips, and wifi tethering, the GH3 is a very capable alternative to pro-spec DSLRs and has what it takes to meet the demanding needs of professional photographers and filmmakers.

Tips & Tricks

6 Common Mistakes When Posing Families

Mistakes are often made when we’re too busy concentrating on something else such as our lighting or camera settings. As a portrait photographer, it is important not to overlook how your subjects are posed. By taking the time to heavily concentrate on posing, you’ll see a big difference in your images – your clients will look more natural and relaxed which is exactly what results in a great image.