Working With White Wall Online Photo Lab| Another Perspective

Anthony Thurston

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Several months ago, SLR Lounger Chris Nachtwey shared his thoughts on a new player in the printing game, the German based company, White Wall Photo Lab. Chris had nothing but great things to say about the company, so I decided to give them a try myself.

HD Metal Print_glossy_brushed and smooth ©

It is an interesting prospect for US photographers – to have their work printed in another country and shipped overseas. It seems to be the opposite of something that you would want to do. But, given the raves I had been hearing, I decided to give it a shot, and I was not disappointed.

The ordering process was simple and easy to use. There were many options to choose from – Acrylic, Aluminum and even mirrors to name a few. I placed my order on Thursday before WPPI and when I returned home on the following Friday, my print – a 16×20 Acrylic – had arrived. Not bad, considering it came from Germany, had to go through customs, and through all the bad weather the East Coast had been experiencing. When I have purchased items internationally in the past, my orders have taken up to a month to arrive, so 5 business days is pretty impressive.

Variations of Original Photo Print Under Acrylic Glass ©

I must say, the print is absolutely gorgeous! It really blew away my expectations, despite having heard nothing but good things about White Wall and expecting something great already. The print came packaged very well and it was ready to hang; I literally just had to push some thumb tacks into the wall and it was good to go.

The quality is outstanding; everything from the print, to the acrylic, and the pre-installed mounting hardware.

White Wall at WPPI 2015

While I was attending WPPI, I had the chance to meet with White Wall and see what they were all about. They were very helpful in answering many of my questions about the products and the company itself.

I honestly have to say, that of all the print booths setup at WPPI, I was most impressed by White Walls. Every single display piece looked absolutely stunning, and their latest products – the acrylic blocks – are quite special. They give you this almost 3D effect when looking at them in person.

Acrylic Block ©

If you have not had a chance to check out White Wall yourself yet, please take this advice and head on over to their website to have a look. They aim for a 10 business day turnaround on items coming to the US, but as I noted above, it only took mine 5 business days. I mean, I have worked with US based companies that have taken longer to get my print to me, so I am completely satisfied with 5 business days from Germany.

I know that I will be using White Wall again in the future for my prints that I want to make an impact with. If you have not tried them yet, give them a shot – you won’t be disappointed.