still life

Best Lighting for Product Photography
Choosing the correct light is essential for a product photographer. In this article, I discuss whether one can use the far far cheaper speedlight or if we must be stuck using only the most expensive strobes.

Using A Fish Tank To Create Unique Still Life Photography | How I Shot It
This extremely complex shot was accomplished using some essential techniques which all photographers and retouchers should know. In this article, you'll learn about compositing, creative theory, and there's a video on one of the best Photoshop techniques, Linked Smart Layers.

Photigy Pro Club Membership Review Part 2 | Still The Best Way To Learn Product Photography?
Having spent a couple months watching videos and creating photos, find out if I still think Photigy is a good investment. Is is the best place to learn product photography?

How To Create a Textured Still Life Fine Art Photograph
Some photographers might shun the whole texture overlay thing, but I have a lot of fun experimenting with them. SLR ...

Build Your Own ‘Still Life’ Folding Table for around $30
I love still life photography, it’s one of my favorite things to do when I’m bored and don’t have a person to shoot. I was recently searching for a good table for shooting my still life work, but as you can imagine the commercially available tables are rather expensive. Since my budget is rather low I decided to look into DIY alternatives, and that was when I came across this great DIY build over on DIY Photography.