Light Feathering | What is it and How to Use It
In the following tutorial, Jay P. Morgan from The Slanted Lens shows us a technique called, "feathering" with a softbox.
Ring Light VS Softbox | Which One Is Right For You?
For everything from makeup tutorials on Youtube to high-fashion portraiture, you should understand the differences, the advantages, and disadvantages of a ring light vs a softbox!
Softbox vs Umbrella | Comparing Two Common Lighting Modifiers
What is the difference between these two very important lighting modifiers? Every portrait photographer should know how to use both of them correctly...
How to Use a Softbox | Your Ultimate Guide
Profoto challenged fashion and beauty photographer Andrea Belluso to "Think Outside Of The Softbox," and come up with four creative ways to use the popular modifier.
Make Your On-Camera Flash Into an Off-Camera Softbox
Create your very own softbox with your on-camera flash and a simple 5-in-1 reflector!
Creating a Large Studio Light Source | Slice of Pye Ep. 11
Create a soft window light wherever you go in this week's episode of Slice of Pye.
3 Dramatic Lighting Setups Using the MagBox (Lighting 3 Sneak Peek!)
Check out how versatile the MagBox really is in this sneak peek from Lighting 3!
How to Create Soft Window Light ANYWHERE with Flash
Ever want to re-create natural window light after the sun goes down because you just can’t get enough of it? ...
Dramatic Portraits | My 5 Essential Tools to Create Drama in Your Portraits
Drama by definition is an exciting, emotional or unexpected series of events. We as photographers often utilize drama in our ...
Breed Master Class: Advanced Fashion Photography Lighting | Review
Lighting is a differentiator between pros and amateurs. This comprehensive guide with 22 advanced lighting setups aims to make show you how the pros do it.
Dramatic Beauty Portrait With the Sony A7II | How We Shot It
I recently started shooting studio portraits with a shallow depth of field using my new Sony A7II camera. Read on as I explain the details of how I created this image.
An Illustrative Guide To Popular Light Modifiers (Video)
British Photographer Karl Taylor shares a highly detailed and visual guide to light modifiers like soft boxes, octabox, and parabolic reflectors.