
How To Micro Dodge & Burn Skin in Adobe Photoshop
Elena Jasic
In this video, I am demonstrating how I professionally retouch skin using ONLY a dodge & burn technique called Micro Dodge & Burn. Bear with me as this is a lengthier video, but it's full of useful information!

Backyard Macro Photography Made Me Fall In Love With The Art | My COVID-19 StayHome Story
Matthew Saville
I was always anti-social as a natural habit. Actually, it was backyard macro photograph that gave me a creative passion, and helped me interact more with other people!

Wide Angle Venus/LAOWA 15mm Macro Lens Focuses at 4.7mm
Kishore Sawh
Now you can shoot wide angle macro, proper 1:1, from 4.7mm, and show what's in your background also.