Best 35mm Film Camera

Nikon F mount best 35mm film camera

Film photography has been “making a comeback” ever since it “went out of style”, and rightfully so! We have always enjoyed the beautiful images that can be captured by film. If you’re looking for an easy, affordable way to shoot film for the very first time, or to get back to film after shooting digital, … Read more

The Best Compact Cameras for Professionals In 2023

nikon zfc best compact camera for beginner retro style

Ask a professional photographer why they like to have an “actual camera” instead of just a phone, and their answer will have something in common that you didn’t expect… It isn’t just about the excellent image quality, or the lenses, even though those are important, of course. It’s also very much all about the experience … Read more

Creative Christmas Portraits With Minimal Gear

We sometimes fall into the trapping belief that what we don’t have holds us back from creating beautiful imagery; a particular lens, lighting gear, a studio, or access to a particular location. However, a strong understanding of photography fundamentals can help you make the most of a shoot even when you have the least. In … Read more

Nikon Will Focus On Mirrorless Cameras For The Time Being

Nikon to focus on Mirrorless SLR Lounge

If you’ve been following the state of the industry over the last few years, you could see there was a decent shift towards mirrorless and a downward trend in camera sales overall…even more so during the 2020 calendar year. Every brand out there has been hit pretty significantly, all reporting massive losses or significant drops … Read more

How To Use Your DSLR As A Webcam – Updated

How To Use Your DSLR Mirrorless Cameras As A Webcam SLR Lounge 2000x1125

To help bridge the gap between your computer’s webcam and your professional cameras, several companies have released software & hardware to help take advantage of the cameras you already own making it incredibly easy to level up your web-conferencing presentation!