Nigel Barker & Adorama Are Looking For The Next Top Photographer

Kishore Sawh

There are opportunities that present themselves that barely blip on our radar much less provoke us to move. Maybe the reward doesn’t merit the grind, or it’s just not significant enough. Maybe the opportunity you’ve been looking for is one that’s so unusual it could derail your life, for the better; one that doesn’t require a stretch outside your comfort zone so much as insist you remove yourself from it – a real challenge. Nigel Barker and Adorama may have just the ticket – if you’re strong enough.


Barker and Adorama are two ubiquitous names within photography, albeit on different sides, and are jointly inviting photographers of all skill levels across the United States to enter for a chance to compete to be what they’re dubbing the next Top Photographer. Of those that apply, 5 contestants will be hand-selected by Nigel to compete in a 5 episode AdoramaTV series that will see one contestant removed per episode until the winner is revealed.

The show will air in November and upon its conclusion the winner will receive a grand prize valued at $50k, and includes a photography equipment package as well as a photo exhibition event in New York City that will be hosted by Barker after the finale airs.


We will be casting a large net across the country looking for photographers from all walks of life and interested in all types of photography. Obviously technical ability will be assessed but most importantly I will be looking for passion, drive and the illusive ‘eye’ that all top photographers have. Top Photographer is going to pit a few of the best shooters we can find from all around the country with the aim of singling out just one to win the title of Top Photographer. And in a world of photographers, that’s no small feat.- Nigel Barker

For those who might’ve been living off the grid for the past decade, Barker’s signature imprimatur is his recurring role on America’s Next Top Model with Tyra Banks, though his breadth of experience has been on both sides of the camera, and he is deeply engrained in the world of elite Fashion Photography. He is also the host of SiriusXM’s Gentleman’s Code, Oxygen’s The Face with Naomi Campbell, and has published two books littered with the names and faces of fashion. Perhaps, for those looking to be part of this, the experience of working even briefly with Nigel is a reward worthy enough of an attempt.


To enter, upload an authentic image taken within the last five years, and of all entries 1,000 entrants will make it through to the final phase when they will be asked to submit a 30-second video addressing a question from Nigel. Five finalists will then be chosen to move on to the filmed competition, which will take place in New York City this September. Check it out, and best of luck.


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