A lot of industries have been hit quite hard with the recent and ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Photographers, videographers, and film creatives are especially feeling the burn with pretty much every source of income being shut down for the next 2-6 weeks at minimum. One small bit of good news is coming for us from the team at Adobe. First they announced they’ll be offering students free access to it’s Creative Cloud in an effort to help enable distance learning globally for schools impacted by Covid-19, and now, it looks as though they’ve gone a step further by quietly offering existing subscribers, two months of their subscription for free!
This hasn’t been officially / publicly announced, so there’s a few hoops you’ll have to jump through to get this offer, but that’s why we’ve put together this post to show you the steps to get the next two months of your existing Creative Cloud subscription for free in just 5 short minutes.
Follow These Steps To Get 2 Months of Creative Cloud For Free
- Log in to your Adobe Creative Cloud Account by clicking here
- Start to “cancel” your creative cloud plan. Don’t worry though, you’re not actually going to cancel
Click the Cancel Plan link on your account overview page
- Start making your way through the cancellation steps. Once you’ve clicked Cancel, you’ll have to go through some verification steps and questions to confirm that you really want to cancel. Don’t worry, these won’t actually cancel your account on you.
Confirm your reasons for wanting to cancel to get to the next step -
Don’t worry, there’s another step where you’ll be presented the offer for 2 months free!
- Next you’ll be presented with an offer, which you definitely want to accept! Adobe, like any business, never wants to see you go, so on this step you _should_Â be shown the offer shown below to get the next 2 months of your subscription for free! Simply click the Accept Offer link.
Once you’re shown the offers screen, select the Accept Offer to get the next 2 months credited on your account.
- And that’s it! You’ve just saved yourself a little bit of financial stress in these trying times and landed 2 months of your Creative Cloud Subscription for free thanks to Adobe! The following screen should now show you that you’ve been given a free credit for the next 60 days (showing your savings).
We hope this helps you a little both financially and creatively over the next few months, and we definitely want to keep seeing what you’ve worked on, so please share any cool creative projects you’ve got going in the comments below and keep the community uplifted.