wppi 2020

5 Ways to Create Impactful Art for Clients
Bridging the gap between what we want to shoot versus what a client wants us to shoot can be simple. Brooke Shaden shares how to do that with these 5 tips for creating more impactful art for your clients.

Why You Should Attend WPPI
SLR Lounge would likely not exist if not for our experience at WPPI back in 2008. We found the inspiration we needed to push forward in photography. With WPPI just around the corner, we put together a list of reasons why you should make attending this year's show a priority.

How to Handle Challenging Lighting | A WPPI 2020 Preview with Alison Carlino
After 16 years in this industry, Alison Carlino has experienced her share of less-than-awesome locations, both indoors and out. Check out her recommendation for how to work with the light you're given and get a preview of her upcoming class & photo walk at WPPI 2020!

10 Tips to Help You Take Better Drone Photos and Videos
Dirk Dallas has learned plenty through trial and error in five years of capturing drone imagery. Here are 3 tips to spare you from the errors and help you take better drone photos & videos. You can also catch Dirk at WPPI 2020 in February in Las Vegas (find more details in the article).