10 Inspirational Photographers | Tuesdays with Lauri

Inspiration is very important to me when I try to come up with new concepts and ideas for my photos. Sometimes taking a look at other photographers and their work can do the trick. That is why, this week, I decided to compile a list of seven great photographers that have inspired me in the past, and will also hopefully inspire you.

When Mother Nature and Photoshop Collide | Wildlife Composites by John Wilhelm

Many of us photographers love to shoot, but really loathe the post processing. Being in front of a glaring computer screen, editing for hours upon endless hours seems torturous for some. For John Wilhelm, a self proclaimed, “Photoholic,” the process from image to Photoshop to final product takes about 5 hours per photo and is so addicting that he goes through withdraws if he doesn’t go through the process for more than 2-3 days.