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13 May 2024
Tips & Tricks

How to Use a Crop Sensor Lens on a Full-Frame DSLR

While reviewing the Nikon D600 recently, I had so many different lenses and cameras on my hands that I decided to conduct a little side experiment. I wanted to prove whether or not a decent crop sensor ultra-wide lens could compete with an exotic full-frame sensor ultra-wide lens, when used for landscape photography and/or the pursuit of optimal sharpness and image quality…


Planning a Successful Concept Shoot

The purpose of having a mock shoot, also known as a concept shoot, is for photographers and other businesses to show off what they are capable of capturing and creating.  Sharing a concept shoot is an opportune way to stretch yourself creatively, or take your business to another direction, attracting a different clientele if you are finding you aren’t getting a specific client you are looking for.  If you so happen to capture a great concept shoot, it’s also an opportunity to get published on a blog if you have not yet had the perfect wedding to share.

Tips & Tricks

Understanding Your Camera’s Drive Modes

Usually, when you press the shutter button on your camera, you take one photo. If you want take another photo, you just press the shutter button again. This is what is known as Single Shot drive mode and it is the default drive mode for all cameras. While this is great when you want to take your time between each shot, but there are also other drive modes that are more specialized for different scenarios.


Are Photography Workshops Worth It?

Attending a workshop is a valuable way for photographers to accelerate their learning of their craft. Whether it is a shooting workshop, a post-processing workshop, or a business workshop, you can learn a lot more in one day or one weekend than from just reading tutorials all day long online. Not all workshops are created equal, however, so before you spend your money, be sure to do a little bit of research on both the instructors and the workshop itself.