
Photoshop Tutorials Photoshop Actions and More!

Vibrance vs Saturation | What is the Difference?

Justin Heyes

Understand this to make your editing life easier and faster

how to swap faces water hat lightroom photoshop edit

How to Swap Faces and Expressions in a Few Simple Steps


We’ve teamed up with Adorama to bring you a series of photography tutorials called “Master Your Craft” to be featured ...

Adobe CC June Updates Give Powerful Improvements to LR PS SLR Lounge 2000x1125

Photoshop & Lightroom Launch Its Largest Set of Features Since Adobe MAX In The June Update To Creative Cloud

David Crewe

There’s no doubt about it, if you’re a creative, you use or have used a product from the Adobe library. ...

Adobe Releases Updates to Fresco and Photoshop for iPad SLR Lounge 2000x1333

Curves & Apple Pencil Pressure Sensitivity Come To Photoshop on iPad

David Crewe

Today, Adobe has released updates to Fresco, and Photoshop on iPad that are sure to make some users quite excited. ...

How to Extend Backgrounds in Photoshop with Content Aware

Holly Roa

A Photoshop staple tool that has wide and varied applications

Use this Hack to Get 2 Free Months of Free Adobe Creative Cloud SLR Lounge 2000x1333

Use this Hack to Get 2 Free Months of Free Adobe Creative Cloud

David Crewe

Adobe has been providing some much needed support to the creative community this month by quietly providing a way to get two free months of the creative cloud service for it's existing subscribers! We'll show you how to get this deal in this post!

Infinite Texture Panel SLR Lounge 2000x1333

Add A Creative Flair To Your Images With The Infinite Texture Panel

David Crewe

The Infinite Texture Panel uses AI to help you quickly and easily pull from a library of over 10,000 texture images sorted into 4 categories to add a creative flair to your images!

Doug 185 W1a crop SideBySide Lead 1

Plagued by Hotspots? Frequency Separation to the Rescue!

Dennis Dunbar

Glaring hot spots can be like the plague when it comes to shooting portraits. All too often the circumstances of ...

Adobe Photoshop for iPad Plans in 2020 SLR Lounge 2000x1333

Adobe Talks Photoshop Reimagined for iPad: The Journey So Far

David Crewe

Adobe has just released a large blog post detailing their roadmap for Photoshop on the iPad leading into the first half of 2020. There's a bunch of new features coming including Select Subject, Refine Mask, better Cloud Document access, and much more!

How To Work With RAW Files on Photoshop for iPad SLR LOunge 2000x1333

How to Work with RAW Files in Photoshop for iPad – A Temporary Workaround

David Crewe

You may have heard the complaints about how Adobe Photoshop for iPad doesn't have RAW support, but we've come up with a little workaround that will let you work with your RAW files to get the most out of them while editing on your mobile device.

Justin Ho - Stop Motion Animation for Weddings - SLR Lounge - 2000x1333

Stop Motion Animations For Photographers

Justin Ho

Stop motion isn't just for Tim Burton films, they can be a great addition to your photography offerings! Wedding photographer Justin Ho shares how to make cinema-graphs in Photoshop and why he loves incorporating them into his client galleries.

Retouching Toolkit 3.1 Review – A Near Perfect Extension For Adobe Photoshop Retouchers

David Crewe

The latest update to the Retouching Toolkit brings some incredible addons, (like the new color wheel), and powerful scripts to an already impressive and full customizable set of tools.