Nikon D810: Miss Aniela Talks To Us About Her Fantasy Fashion Shoot With The New Camera

Dave Kai Piper

Miss-aniela-Nikon-D810Any big announcement from Nikon is always going to reignite the camera war debates. Nikon are known for updates and after the D300  to the D300s , then the D600 to D610, the question is: Is the newly announced Nikon D810 really enough of a big step up from the D800 to make people get out their money for the upgrade? Another question is that with the crazy upgrade culture we have in the camera and tech world, how good must a camera really be – if you already have a D600 or D800 – to make you want to part with your hard earned money?


Nikon is taking this update very seriously indeed. For some of the new images on the Nikon brochure, they teamed up with Matt & Nat formally known as Miss Aniela, to create some of the most amazing and jawdropping images. The behind the scenes video below shows the concepts and some wonderful shots of them crafting the images and working with live animals, water sets and amazing locations in the UK.

After watching the video below, we speak with Miss Aniela about cameras and photography and what’s next for her.

The images were all shot on two prototype D810’s with no Photoshop in the post production and minimal retouching to the final images (layers & curves etc).  It is always a joy to see such high production values in use.

Image by Miss Aniela – Shot on a D810 for Nikon Europe

With the upgrade culture being what it is, what would motivate you to upgrade your camera systems?

I have always got on well with the robust, reliable usability of Nikon as my camera system. I am always wary of the upgrade culture with anything in technology because often, we lose the things we liked on older products! With anything in technology, from phone to camera, you want the object to serve you well, to be a smooth system that you do not have to think too much about, and instead focus on what is in front of the camera.

For me, going from the D800E to the D810 has proved as seamless as I’d like, and highly rewarding. No matter how ‘Luddite’ I feel about some new technologies out there, there is no denying that as a professional photographer, I need the best quality I can get from every pixel I shoot with. As a commercial and fine-art photographer, I simply can’t afford to not have my images the best foundational quality they can be before I do all my post-compositing.

I don’t want to be frustrated at signs of low resolution in large prints! But, I also vitally need the speed and mobility of a DSLR system. I am so impressed with the quality of the files from the D810, and how new features, like the ISO 64, have noticeably served even the first few images I’ve produced with it. The D810 brings a shade of medium format epicness into the DSLR experience. It is the perfect balance of superior image quality without having to slow down.

Image by Miss Aniela – Shot on a D810 for Nikon Europe

Where do you think Nikon should move in the future?

Into my garden shed. I can oversee their new prototypes and try get them to design a magic button that will solve all my creative blocks.

Haa haa!  That would be very nice! So, if you could design your own camera, what would be your main focus? Megapixels or speed?

They’re really both important as I have said about the D810’s balance between quality and speed. The megapixels are only as important as how quick the camera is for the given situation that you’re shooting in. In fashion, there is a lot of static posing, but often the model will move candidly and there’s a moment to be grabbed quickly, rendered useless by a camera that has all the quality, but not the nimbleness to use it well. I’d be tempted to say speed should be the driver, with quality following as closely as it can.

What is next for Miss Aniela, and the Miss Aniela workshops?

It’s been a flipping amazing year for Matthew and I, but then again, we find ourselves saying that every year. All the time the bar raises with new adventures and pursuits of our dreams, and our dreams are always expanding too. We are building a life of exciting productions that cross over between fine-art, fashion and commercial. When there’s not one coming from a client, we make it happen ourselves.

Our Fashion Shoot Experience is our evolved ‘workshop’ where we invite our network of photographer friends from around the world to join an “adventure” with us. Increasingly, we have been finding uber-inspiring locations like Greystone Court in New York, a road trip in Iceland and next, a 150-room palatial chateau in France in September, with the grandest dresses we can get, already fully booked.

We want our shoots to be world-class, with the best ingredients, but with down-to-earth personalities, humour – and wine. It’s funny, but if we weren’t photographers and instead opened a restaurant, that’s what it would be like too.


Thanks for chatting with us Miss Aniela! Do check out Miss Aniela’s blog about the shoot with loads more shots and her own insight to the shoot and follow her on Facebook.

CREDITS: Photographs by Miss Aniela are copyrighted and have been used with permission for SLR Lounge. Do not copy, modify or re-post this article or images without express permission from SLR Lounge and the artist.


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