The Momentum Planner App for Photographers | Kickstarter Feature

Alice Houstons

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Photographers are known to wear many hats in order to keep their photography business running, and it can be tricky to stay on top of such a task-heavy to-do list. Some use paper planners or notepads while others somehow maintain a massive collection of sticky notes, which I’ve seen firsthand. The latter method, while impressive, seems to carry an undue amount of risk. Whatever method you use, studies have shown that handwriting or linking physical hand movements to information jotting reinforces memory and learning, and doing so in a planner can also help increase productivity.

Whether you’re an office worker, an event planner, or a photographer, using a planner can mean the difference between accomplishing your goals or failing to follow through. If you’re on the lookout for a unique, digital planner to organize your tasks on the go and boost your productivity, the new Momentum Planner app recently launched a Kickstarter campaign that runs from now through February 3rd (at 12pm, PST).

Right up front, we can say it’s worth checking out. We’ve interviewed the Head of Marketing for Productive Flourishing, the maker of the app, to give you more insight into this highly portable and potentially game-changing tool for your photography business. Let’s get started.

Please Introduce Yourself

I’m Cory Huff, head of marketing at Productive Flourishing. I live in Portland, Oregon. PF sells a popular pdf & paper planner called Momentum Planner. It’s been downloaded over a million times and won a bunch of awards. We’ve been publishing articles, books, and products about productivity since 2007.

How Did You Come Up with the Idea? What’s Your Inspiration?

Charlie Gilkey, the founder, developed the Momentum Planner method as a way of figuring out how to manage projects at work, in his life, and his clients’ lives. Most of PF’s core customers and audience include creative people like photographers, artists, engineers, writers, and others. Our creative customers have been asking us to develop a software version of Momentum Planner for years.

After looking at the existing apps, we decided there’s a need for a planner app that works the way we work: that takes into account not only our work, but also our personal projects like managing kids, illness, and the rest of life.

Navigation is Open

What Problem Does Your Product Solve?

Most planners are either not flexible enough to fit our whole lives into them, or they require so much customization that using them is overwhelming for many users. We believe Momentum, with its focus on your most important projects (regardless of work, creative or personal), has the right mix of focus on individual tasks while still showing the context of how those tasks tie into your long-term goals.

Year Picker

Who is the Target Market for Your Product?

Momentum is for creators – people who turn ideas into things. Whether that’s art, software, or something else, our core audience is people who make things. They usually have so many awesome ideas they have a hard time juggling and prioritizing. That’s where Momentum helps.

Month Picker

What is the Next Step After the Release of this Product?

Momentum comes out in Q2 2022. Our goal for the first year is to work on feature improvements, including 2-way calendar sync and a chatbot-based onboarding process that helps you learn how to plan more effectively. Long term, we plan to grow Momentum into a team planning app that can be used by work teams, families, nonprofits, and other orgs. We have a book coming out in 2023 called Workways which explains how teams can work together to be more effec

Week Picker

What Was the Biggest Challenge in Developing this Product?

Funding. Building the app that we have the vision for is a big endeavor, and it takes a lot of work. We have a history of making great products and taking the time to do them well. That means we need the support of our customers and community to make it happen. Beyond that, it’s making sure we stay disciplined so that we don’t try to do too much too fast.

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Where Can We Find More Information About the Product/Company?

Our Kickstarter campaign goes live on January 4th with some huge early bonuses for people who want to back us. You can find the campaign here:

If you want to follow along on the development of the app, the best way to do that is to join our email list at


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