paul c. buff
Paul C. Buff Has Officially Entered the Portable Strobe Market with the LINK 800WS
David Crewe
Paul C. Buff has dropped a major announcement today with the upcoming launch of the LINK 800WS Portable Strobe due to hit the market Spring 2020!
How To Shoot Editorial Photography With Only 1 or 2 Lights
Elaine Torres
It’s not necessary to use complex setups of four to even six lights to create magazine-worthy images.
Shooting Creative Portraits With Inexpensive Lights
Brittany Smith
You may not need the most expensive strobes out there.
Interfit’s New Honey Badger Strobe Looks Familiar, May Interest DigiBee Coveters Abroad
Holly Roa
In the photographic world, it seems that no on bats an eye when a company blatantly clones something made by ...
Why I Paid Through The Nose To Have Einsteins Shipped To The UK
Max Bridge
Why would someone pay so much more than EInstiens are worth to have them shipped to the UK? Am I mad? Decide for yourself here.
DigiBees | Paul C. Buff Releases Digital Counterpart To Popular AlienBees
Shivani Reddy
Paul C. Buff unveil's Alienbee's upgraded digital counterpart: the Digibee.