film photography

Sometimes Microwavable Polaroid Film Is What’s For Dinner
In a series he calls Hatzfraz/Fast Food, Blohm set out to reinvent Polaroid film processing using a microwave and a shield that is based on a wet carton and glass.

Creating a Photograph Using a Pinhole Camera is Quite Fascinating!
With the advancement of digital photography over recent years, it’s easy to forget where a lot of the technology and ...

How to Use the Zone System for Film Photography
Some argue that the zone system is an antiquated system. Sure you could just meter your darkest shadow and expose for that....but what if you want areas of your photos to be black, vs just gray?

Film Photography Guide for Beautiful Photos
Demystifying film so you can get a jumpstart.

Fuji 400H vs Kodak Portra 400 // The Film Battle of Titans
If you talk to film photographers, they probably either shoot Fujifilm or Kodak film and usually not both. So what is the difference, what is the hype, and which should you choose?

5 Photographer Biographies That Are Worth A Read
Take a closer look into the life of some of the most influential and notable photographers in history. Here are five photographer biographies that are worth getting your hands on.

Traveling with Film Anytime Soon? Don’t Let This Happen to You!
If you’re a film photographer and you’re planning on traveling by air anytime soon, your film could be in danger! The new scanners being employed by the TSA could destroy film regardless of it being in a protective bag or not!

Street Photography Caught On Film: Featuring Mavis CW and her Kodak Tri-X
Sometimes, dipping into the old ways can teach you something more about the new. Follow along as Sean Tucker has a great discussion with street photography Mavis CW, about how the process of shooting and developing film can reignite the spark for photography.

Film Wedding Photographers You Should Follow! (2019 Update)
In the age of digital photography, a number of talented photographers continue to rely on film to photograph weddings.

Kodak Revives T-MAX P3200 (TMZ)
There is a universal attachment to the groundbreakers of film who helped shape and define generations of photography. A wave ...

Nikon Introduces The ES-2 Film Digitizer Along with The D850 | A More Versatile Solution To the ES-1
Riding along on the curtails of the highly anticipated D850 was an accessory that was either overlooked by, or perplexed ...

3 Magic Angles for Storytelling Photography
Here are three different angles that will help narrate your clients' story.