
This Real/Fake Fenty Beauty Model Debate Could Have Implications For Photographers
Kishore Sawh
Just the mere questioning could have opportunity costs for photographers and models

Forrest Gump Effect| Add Yourself Into Historical Footage Using After Effects
In the following 3-minute video tutorial, you can learn how to insert yourself into the history books by using Adobe After Effects. Filmmaker Steve Ramsden shows you step-by-step how to do it.

IKEA’s Hyper-Renders Could Be the End of Product Photography
Justin Heyes
When you flip though an IKEA catalog, can you spot the difference between what is a photograph and what is a high-res rendering? Well it might surprise you to find out that nearly 75% of an IKEA catalog is computer generated.

Ikea’s New Commercial Is Fit For Your Dreams & The Silver Screen
Kishore Sawh
Ikea has teamed up with some brilliant creative companies to produce a beautiful and inspiring commercial all about the comfiest place in the world...your own bed.