How To Post To Instagram From Your Facebook Page – A Quick Guide For Social Media Management

Josh Line

instagram desktop

We’ve got some great news for all the social media users out there! Facebook has officially started to support posting to Instagram directly from your desktop!

What’s the catch? It can only be done from your business linked account. Don’t worry though, it’s actually much easier to manage than you think. We’ve got you covered with this quick guide on how to post to Instagram from your Facebook page!

Here are the steps you need to post directly to your instagram account.

  1. Go to your business page. Then on the top toolbar find “Publishing tools”.
  2. Then on the left hand side find the creator studio. It will then take you to a new page.
  3. The top center will have a FB and Ig icon. Select which account you want to post to.
  4. Once you go to your instagram account it will change colors. Then on the left you can create posts for your feed and IGTV. Stories do not seem to be supported here (yet).
  5. Then select the instagram account you want to post to. They have to be linked to a business FB page to do so.
  6. The upload page looks like this. You can add your post text, hashtags, location, and account tags here.

And That’s It!

So there you have it. You are no longer tied to your mobile device for uploading to Instagram. Now you can upload and schedule posts much easier from a desktop, even letting you manage multiple accounts and cross platform posting! With this you can plan out campaigns and posting for weeks and months in advance!

To learn more, here is the official press release on the creator studio roll out from the Facebook and Instagram teams. Let us know what you think about this update and if you have any questions or suggestions in the comments below.