3 Lightroom Editing Tips To Tip The Scales

Holly Roa

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Oh Adobe, you’ve always got a new trick up your sleeve. There’s always some function hidden away that has the potential to change your workflow once it’s discovered. Lightroom is no exception to the rule, and Mango Street Lab, with their penchant for short and sweet photography education videos has released a new video to help uncover some of its mystique.

The video is called ‘3 Editing Tips to Make Lightroom Your Biatch,’ though it’s really more like five – there are two “bonus tips.”

More Lightroom Tips:

Tip #1 – HSL Sliders

These are fairly common knowledge, but they’ve offered up a bit of technique to try.  When your skin tones just aren’t looking quite right, HSL sliders are here to save the day. The folks at Mango Street recommend making sure to use the “all” tab in the HSL panel, which will show sliders for hue, saturation, and luminosity at the same time. First, work with the hue slider and use the targeted adjustment tool to select the skin that needs to be corrected. Click and drag with the targeted adjustment tool until the skin’s hue looks more lifelike.


Next, use the luminance sliders with targeted adjustment to bring the colors associated with the skin tones up, making them brighter. Last, pay a visit to the saturation slider and use the targeted adjustment to bring the skin tones down a little, making them less saturated.

Tip #2 – Fix Chromatic Aberration

The tools to fix chromatic aberration in Lightroom live in the lens corrections panel under the “manual” tab. The recommended amount is “5,” once setting that look at the colors of the fringe and adjust the sliders until it’s gone.

Tip #3 – Profile and Perspective Correction<h/4>

While you’re in the lens corrections panel, click over to the “profile” tab and check “enable profile corrections.” If Lightroom knows your lens, it’ll apply some automatic fixes for known issues with that lens like vignetting and distortion. Right below the lens corrections panel is the transform panel. Go there, click “constrain crop,” and then give the “auto” button a try. Sometimes it gets weird, but it just might be a quick fix if you’ve got perspective issues in your photo.

Check the video for the bonus tips!

[via iso1200]