
How To Get The Best Prints At Home Or From The Lab

Holly Roa

DIY printing can be a frustrating endeavor, but when your final print shows every detail exactly as you want it ...

Contact Sheets | How To Make Them In Lightroom & Why They’re Still Used

Kishore Sawh

With web galleries and iPads, I thought contact sheets would die with the darkroom, but it seems neither have.

Spyder5Studio Review | Getting Your Images Color Controlled From Capture To Print (40% Off today Only)

Kishore Sawh

It's time to start taking yourself and your work seriously by getting a grip on color management. This system is complete from capture to print, and is something you can keep and grow with.

Printing Tips | How And Why To Print Your Photos

Holly Roa

Perhaps the most important thing you're not doing.

Testing Canon’s Flagship All-In-One Printer | Is The TS9120 Right For You?

Holly Roa

Canon is aiming to provide pretty much all you need

A GIF That Sweetly Demonstrates CMYK As It’s Working

Kishore Sawh

What you’ll quickly realize in the world if photography is that regardless of how well you understand camera and lighting ...

Epson SureColor P400 Inkjet Printer Review || Will it Exceed Your Vision? It “Sure” Will!

Andy & Amii Kauth

Absolutely and without a doubt, we could get into a pretty good discussion (and eventual debate) about the merits of ...

A Breakdown Of Color Spaces | You Really Should Have A Grasp On This

Kishore Sawh

I cannot stress enough how important it is to understand even the basics of color spaces in digital photography. It needn't be intimidating, and here's a primer.

You Should Be Calibrating Your Printer & SilverFast Is A Great Option

Kishore Sawh

‘Printer calibration,’ doesn’t sound sexy, but the rewards for doing it can bring tears to your eyes.

5 Reasons the Canon Pixma Pro-1 Rocks


SLR Lounge and Calumet Hollywood is teaming up to give our readers a free giveaway for the flagship Canon Pixma Pro-1. So what makes this printer so great? Here are 5 great reasons why you should want this printer!