My 5 Biggest Mistakes in Automotive Photography & How To Avoid Them
With any craft, it's important to continually learn from situations and errors we make. I thought I would share some of my personal stumbling blocks to help others along the way as they try their hand with automotive photography.
Take a Tour of Adobe Photoshop on the iPad
It’s happened, folks. Something a lot of us have been waiting for. Photoshop is now available on the iPad! And recently, ...
Replacing Skies In Your Photos Has Never Been Easier
Replacing skies doesn’t have to be complicated, and it doesn’t need to be time-consuming. Mike Kelley's Ultimate Sky Library from Fstoppers offers over 200 RAW images of skies (in almost every weather condition and time of day) to give you more control over your photos. Check it out!
Using A Fish Tank To Create Unique Still Life Photography | How I Shot It
This extremely complex shot was accomplished using some essential techniques which all photographers and retouchers should know. In this article, you'll learn about compositing, creative theory, and there's a video on one of the best Photoshop techniques, Linked Smart Layers.
Forrest Gump Effect| Add Yourself Into Historical Footage Using After Effects
In the following 3-minute video tutorial, you can learn how to insert yourself into the history books by using Adobe After Effects. Filmmaker Steve Ramsden shows you step-by-step how to do it.
The Beautiful Lie: The Process of Product Photography for Advertising
In photographing products for advertisements, there is a lot of preparation, discussion, and organization that will go into making 'the' image. In this article, I will try to show you the process of an advertising shoot from both points of view: photographer as well as the retoucher, since I do both.