
emotional photography Tips and Inspiration
I got into this industry because of the power a single image could hold. Powerful images can cause us to evoke emotion, to feel, and empathize with the subject matter as we relate it to our own lives.

10 Top Professional Photographers Give Their Best Networking Tips
Need to up your networking game? Here are some solid networking tips for photographers, by 10 professional photographers.

13 Photographers Share Their One Liners Guaranteed To Elicit Genuine Emotion
I've spent hundreds of hours studying posing and education from incredible photographers around the world. I wanted to know how they posed, how they communicated, and what enabled them to get consistently incredible emotions and images out of their shoots.

16 Pro Photographers Share 16 Tricks and Hacks With Cheap Accessories
Some of our professional photographer friends tell us about their little accessories that cost less than $30 and helps them to create unique images.

Portraits Inspired By Victorian Paintings | How You Shot It
Almost a year ago, I was wandering around Arundel Castle during a sightseeing tour in South England. Seeing rows after rows of magnificent Victorian portraits gave me an idea; wouldn’t it be interesting to make a photograph look like an old painting?

How to Organize a Styled Photo Shoot On A Budget
Most of us have small budgets and limited resources when it comes to putting together a styled shoot. Here are a few tips to help you set up a shoot without breaking the bank!

Ombra Di Bianco: Photography and Paint Collide In Stunning Fashion Shoot | Luca Meneghel
Using photography and paint, Luca Meneghel and Norma Nardi again collaborate on this stunning fashion shoot that mixed beautiful imagery and paint.

Hundreds Reveal Their Hidden Tattoos in ‘The Tattoo Project’
Vancouver based photographer, Spencer Kovats has set about revealing the tattoos of hundreds of people in a series of side-by-side portraits.