Diffused Light

Term: Diffused Light
Description: A light that has its reflective qualities removed is called diffused light. When this light hits a subject, the reflective light does not bounce back into the camera.


Using a Reflector for Diffused Light

Showcasing a soft and diffused light quality, the image below was created using a diffused (matte) reflector. Because this type of light is not as reflective, it has less contrast. Out of the two, diffused light is a more flattering light for portraits as it does not direct attention to any one part of the subject. Typically, fashion photography use diffused light for it’s flattering and soft qualities.


3 Cheap & Effective Ways To Diffuse Light

The defining characteristic that makes a light either soft or hard is the relative size/distance of the light source to the subject.

In the video herein, filmmaker Todd Blankenship demonstrates the difference between harsh and soft light for Shutterstock’s latest video tutorial.

In the video, Blankenship explains that you don’t need deep pockets to achieve a quality look, in fact, a few dollars is probably what it will cost you. He uses an inexpensive shower curtain to soften the light and compares it to much more expensive alternatives.

This DIY trick has been floating around the internet for years now, but it is one that holds its own in small studios and independent productions. In the industry, soft frost is commonly referred to as shower curtain because it is often the same material as a common $10 shower curtain. One of the great things about this trick, other than restroom curtains often come in different capacities and colors, its that it is a very large and is able to turn an average speedlight into a large soft source.

If shower curtains are not your foray other everyday items such as T-shirts, bed sheets, Tupperware can be used in its stead. The options are endless, you just have to be a little bit creative.

Other Related Terms:

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