The Develop Module Menu System in Lightroom 4: 2 Tips if You Forget Shortcuts

Pye Jirsa

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In this video from our Lightroom 4 A to Z Workshop on DVD, we will discuss how we can use the Develop Module Menu System in Lightroom 4 if you forget any keyboard shortcuts.

(Note: the menu system (except for the File Menu and the Edit Menu) at the top of Lightroom changes a bit when you switch from module to module. For example, if we switch to the Map Module (“Ctrl + Alt + 3”) from the Develop Module (“D”), we will still see the same options for the File and Edit Menus.)

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The Develop Module Menu System

As mentioned earlier, the File and Edit Menus are constant throughout all of the modules in Lightroom 4. In the Develop Module, we then have the Develop, Photo, Settings, and Tools Menus.

In the Library Module there are a few options that you can only access through the Library Menu System, however the Develop Module is an extensive duplication of everything available in the interface. When you have mastered the interface and memorized your frequently used shortcuts within the Develop Module, you will probably rarely visit the Develop Module Menu again. For example, if we select the Develop Menu from the Develop Module Menu System, we have options to create snapshots, presets and preset folders, to clear the history, and so forth. However, we can do all of this either by using the keyboard shortcuts or by simply right-clicking and selecting the option from the dropdown menu.


Forgot Shortcuts?

If you forgot the keyboard shortcut for a certain option in Lightroom 4, there are 2 ways to access these shortcuts via the Develop Module Menu System.

#1: Develop Module Dropdown Menus
If you forget a shortcut, you can always look through the menus in the Develop Module and it will list the keyboard shortcuts that are available.


#2: Shortcuts Dialogue Box
Another way to reference shortcuts is through the Shortcuts Dialogue Box. Select the Help Menu and click on “Develop Module Shortcuts.” This will bring up the Develop Shortcuts Dialogue Box. (You can also press “Ctrl + \” to bring up this same dialogue box.)



This shortcut is the exact same for every module in Lightroom 4. For example, if we want to see the shortcuts in the Library Module, simply press “Ctrl + /” while we are in the Library Module.


Conclusion & Learn More!

Once again, if you have memorized your frequently used shortcuts, there is no point in going up to the menu system and accessing the options there since everything for the Develop Module is available through the interface and keyboard shortcuts. However, if you forget any of the keyboard shortcuts, know that the Develop Module Menu System is helpful for referencing keyboard shortcuts.

We hope you enjoyed this article and video excerpt from the Lightroom 4 A to Z Workshop on DVD. Stay tuned for our next article and episode!

The Lightroom 4 A to Z Workshop on DVD is a 14 hour video workshop turning any Lightroom novice into a complete master of Lightroom 4 in no time! The Lightroom 4 A to Z Workshop can be purchased by itself, or within the Lightroom 4 Workshop Collection which also contains our award winning and industry standard Lightroom 4 Preset System, as well as the Lightroom 4 Workflow System.