There are a number of different reasons why you might want to shoot a photo of people at a very slow shutter speed. Motion blur from water and other things can be very artistic, but how do you get your shutter speed down that slow, without your photos / subjects starting to blur?
Well, grab a tripod (of course!) and then watch this video for a few tips on how to keep your subjects sharp during slower shutter speeds.  😉
Of course the main element of sharpness is a tripod. Â That is going to sound like a no-brainer for any landscape or nature photographers, and to be honest this video is probably going to make you laugh. Â However believe it or not, but many portrait and wedding photographers might not even own a tripod, let alone use it regularly! Â And it is not as simple as simply “using a tripod”. Â (Which is why this video has some tips for you!)
Don’t get me wrong. Â In my opinion always shooting without is fine, but it does limit your ability to think creatively. Â You’re locked into “hand-holdable” shutter speeds, …or intentional motion blur and/or strobe flash use. Â If this is you, then you should read our article HERE about how to hand-hold a camera!
Indeed, often I find myself in situations where motion blur is desirable, but subject blur is not. Â There are many different techniques and tips on how to accomplish this, of course, and this video only covers some of them. Â Please feel free to contribute more of your own tips by commenting here, or by heading on over to our forums!
Take care,
=Matthew Saville=
(3 second exposure)
(1/2 second exposure)
(1/2 second exposure, 100% crop)
All images are processed using the SLR Lounge Preset System for Lightroom 4, and using techniques from the HDR Workshop DVD. Â Click for more info!