5D Mark III

Canon 5D Mark III gets 4K Video In New Magic Lantern Build

Holly Roa

Magic Lantern has been providing Canon shooters with the features their cameras are capable of but for whatever reason haven’t ...

5D Mk III vs 6D, Not A Case Of Which Is Better, But Of Which Is Better For You

Anthony Thurston

One of the bigger questions that we get now that Canon has an entry level DSLR, in the form of the Canon 6D, is regarding if people should choose the 6D or the Canon 5D Mk III. On paper the 5D Mark III is "better" in many ways than the 6D, but the question that you need to ask yourself is not which camera is better, but which camera is better or your needs.

Magic Lantern Dual ISO vs RAW Comparison Video Released

Anthony Thurston

Today Vimeo user Michael Anthony Visuals posted a great video showing the drastic difference between standard RAW video from the 5D Mark III and the Dual ISO video produced.

Magic Lantern Announces Improved 5D III and 7D Dynamic Range

Anthony Thurston

The team over at Magic Lantern has really been on a tear lately with all of the awesome new features that are adding to Canon cameras. The latest of which is the news they released today that they have increased the dynamic range of the 5D mark III and the 7D by 3 stops. So on the 5D Mark III that means a total of 14 stops of dynamic range, pretty impressive.

canon 5d mkiii firmware

Canon 5D Mark III Firmware Incoming April 30th to Include Clean HDMI and Improved Autofocus

Anthony Thurston

Canon’s 5D Mark III is set to be getting a nice upgrade in the coming weeks. It was announced back in October of 2012 that the new firmware was coming, but there was no news as to when. Canon recently updated their 5D Mark III page and it includes the scheduled date for the firmware upgrade, April 30th 2013 (11 Days from now).