Lightroom Faster | A List Of Shortcuts You Need To Learn Now!

Wendell Weithers

At times, making the most of a software such as Lightroom involves learning techniques and concepts that are tedious to master. However, you occasionally encounter refreshingly easy tips that yield benefits that vastly outweigh the effort it takes to learn them.

Canadian Photographer and Content Producer Lucy Martin has compiled a list of shortcuts and offers them in a snappy presentation worth a few minutes of your time.  If you’ve been looking for a way to make your life in Lightroom better this week, this is it.

Peace & love people ✌️

A post shared by Hi, I’m Lucy ? (@thelucymartin) on


GGo to Grid (Library Mode)

EEnter Loupe View

LLights Out

PPick/Flag Photo

XReject Photo

CAPS LOCKAuto Next Photo

CMD + DELETEDelete all Rejects

[REWIND: Hasselblad Announces the H6D-400c MS | 400 Megapixel Images Are Now On The Menu]

DGo to Develop Module

\Before & After Shortcut Key Lightroom

YBefore & After Side-by-Side

VBlack& White

RResize & Rotate (Crop)

QSpot Removal Tool

HHide Adjustment Pins

CMD + ZUndo Last Action

CMD + CCopy Develop Settings

CMD + PPaste Develop Settings

CMD + /Show All Shortcuts

Lucy’s YouTube page is young but, she already has a solid collection of videos on her channel worth checking out. And if you’ve been thinking of launching your page, she seems like someone from whom you should take some notes.

You can follow Lucy Martin on Instagram here.

You can find her YouTube Channel here.

Camera Calibration Lightroom Panel | Tips For Perfecting Skin Tones, Color Grading & Profile Correction

Lightroom Faster | Match Total Exposure Vs. Synching Edits