natural light portraits

My Trick For Getting Kids to Smile Naturally in Photos 99% of the Time
Tanya Goodall Smith
I've devised a little trick for getting kids to smile naturally 99% of the time. It's so simple and it's effective on most anyone who isn't a trained model or actor. Here's how it works.

How to Capture Natural Light Portraits with Flash
Sean Lewis
Almost everyone who starts out in photography does so relying upon ambient light. As you grow in the field and ...

Natural Light v Off-Camera Flash: Which One Is Best For You?
Wendell Weithers
Manny Ortiz breaks some some useful basics.

Natural Light vs Studio | 3 Portrait Set-Ups In 3 Minutes
Holly Roa
Brief, to-the-point photography tutorials are a wonderful thing. No fluff, get in, get out, learn something new to try. Love ...

5 Tips for Taking Natural Light Portraits at High Noon
Tanya Goodall Smith
Need to make your photo shoot work in bright noon day sun? Tanya's 5 Tips for Taking Natural Light Portraits at Noon can help...