Mirrorless Prime Lenses

My Three Favorite Prime Lenses & How To Use Them For Portraiture
In this video, I want to show you my 3 favorite prime lenses, and how to best use them for ...

Sigma Announces 9 Art Series Prime Lenses For Sony’s E-Mount
Wendell Weithers
For years, Sony and Sigma shooters have been ever vigilant; longing for the day when they could mate native full-frame ...

New Olympus Lenses | The Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 17mm 1.2 & 45mm 1.2
Wendell Weithers
Micro four-thirds cameras often face an uphill battle in gaining the appreciation they deserve but, that hasn’t dissuaded companies like ...

7Artisans Fast & Affordable Lenses For Mirrorless Fuji, Leica, Sony, and MFT
Wendell Weithers
The momentum behind mirrorless lens support has been steadily building as third party manufacturers recognize that the various mounts are ...