Focus Stacking
Helicon Focus Review | Is This The Best Focus Stacking Software?
Focus Stacking is a simple technique. It’s easy to learn and easy to implement. The resulting photos, however, can be striking and unique. Read this review to find out if you need focus stacking software like Helicon Focus.
Product Photography | Why Everyone Knows You’re Not a Professional Product Photographer & How To Change
I look at a lot of product photography. From the amazing, to the, shall we say, less amazing. One thing that almost every amateur has in common is a lack of attention to detail. This article covers some vital steps you must take to ensure your photography is of a pro standard.
A BTS Look at the Intricate Imagination & Work of Toy Photographer Felix Hernandez
Toy photographer Felix Hernandez makes toys come to life with his imagination, a lot of creativity and a little bit of Photoshop (but not much).
Focus Stacking | What It Is & Why Photographers Of All Types Should Know How It’s Done
Focus stacking is a wonderful and, in some cases, an essential photographic technique, which every photographer should know. This article will tell you the what, why and how.
Focus Stacking | Why & How To Do It
Aaron Nace gives you the full breakdown on why and when you should do focus stacking, and a complete guide on how to do it from shooting to PP.