Best T-Shirts for Photographers

Sean Lewis

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best photo t shirts for photographers feature

To some degree, the clothes we wear share a piece of who we are, whether we’re dressed professionally or in casual attire. Sometimes, our outfits can be quite revealing. I don’t mean in the sense that they show more skin. No, I’m talking about graphic t-shirts that tell the world exactly what we’re passionate about: photography! To help you wear your love of photography on your sleeve, or in this case, your sleeves, chest, and back, we’ve put together a list of the best photo t-shirts for photographers.

We’ve broken down the following list of the best photo t-shirts into three categories: Funny, Designer (or Artsy), and Practical. Whatever your fashion sense, there’s a shirt here for you. Also, at an average cost of $20-$30, they won’t break the bank, so go ahead and grab one from each section.

Funny Photo T-Shirts

Let’s kick things off on the lighter side with some humorous photography t-shirts. This batch includes some clever puns and creative designs to touch on topics that just about all photographers can relate to.

1. It’s Not Hoarding If It’s Gear

best photo t shirts for photographers funny hoarding

All photographers are familiar with G.A.S. (Gear Acquisition Syndrome). It’s not uncommon for us to build up a formidable stash of gear (and debt). With this shirt, we can help break the stigma of gear acquisition and let the world know these are tools we use to show the world in a better light, and we need them…all of them.

2. Never Lose Focus

never lose focus shirt

Delivered in equal parts pun and good advice, this shirt’s message strikes a perfect balance and reminds photographers to keep their minds on the subject at hand.

3. Vintage Camera Simulation

best photo t shirts for photographers funny vintage simulation

You’ll never be without a camera so long as you’re wearing this shirt. Even though you can’t use this camera to capture photos, you’ll definitely catch looks as passersby take a second glance to at your vintage gear…shirt.

4. Camera Sutra Photo T-Shirts

best photo t shirts for photographers funny camera sutra

We typically associate posing with models or subjects in photography, but photographers have been known to strike some interesting poses as well while getting the shot. This humorous reference to a famous, ancient Indian sanskrit provides a new take on how to find fulfillment.

5. Evolution of Photography

best photo t shirts for photographers funny evolution people

From an old wet plate camera to a modern day drone, this shirt outlines the brief evolution of how photographers capture images. It’s good to see the selfie made the cut as no true evolution would’ve been complete without it.

6. Evolution of the Camera

06 best photo t shirts for photographers funny evolution cameras

In another record of photography evolution, we have the ever-evolving camera itself. We can imagine adding a mirrorless, smartphone, or drone to this collection to really bring it up-to-date. As is, the illustration does a nice job of showing others that you appreciate the history of your favorite visual occupation.

7. Size Matters

size matters text

Do you prefer primes or zoom lenses? Wide angle or telephoto? Whatever the case, this entry into the list of the best photo t-shirts samples them all and answers an age-old question. It’s been said that it’s not the size (of the lens), but how you use it. This shirt argues otherwise.

8. I’m About to Snap Photo T-Shirts

I'm about to snap text

You have to appreciate the wordplay here, and the illustration is great. Photography puns are underrated and deserve some “exposure” in the form of photo t-shirts.

9. Parker Photography & Web Design (Spiderman)

best photo t shirts for photographers funny parker photography

If Spiderman (aka Peter Parker) hasn’t already been named the official superhero for photographers, then he should be. This shirt boasts a clever cover for our masked hero and would suit him (and his fans) well.

10. Mommy Paparazzi

best photo t shirts for photographers funny maternity photography

Until I saw this shirt, I never thought of maternity photographers as mommy paparazzi, but it makes perfect sense. It’s one of those “why-didn’t-I-think-of-that” ideas. This would also make a great shirt for photography moms who constantly capture moments in everyday life on their smartphones.

Designer Photo T-Shirts

Although you’ll find some crossover here with humor, this section of the best photo t-shirts for photographers deals more with artistic graphics that don’t necessarily focus on being funny.

11. Vintage Camera Patent Photo T-Shirts

vintage photography patent

This patent design taken from the ‘60s breaks down the design of a photographer’s main work tool. As utilitarian as cameras are, they still manage to lend beautiful form to their functionality.

12. 1938 Graflex Speed Graphic Camera Patent Drawing

best photo t shirts for photographers photography patent

The design for this shirt rings similar to the one above, but this time with an even older camera. This shirt is cheaper and easier to use than the camera itself, and it looks almost as cool as the real thing.

13. Watercolor Camera Photo T-Shirts

photography watercolor camera

While black & white is nice, color plays a big role in bringing our imagery to life. This watercolor-inspired illustration beautifully captures the essence of how cameras help us see the world around us in new and interesting ways.

14. Sunset Camera Dial

best photo t shirts for photographers photography sunset

Set the dial to chill and let the shirt do the work to set the vibe on your next shoot. The color scheme here is both warm and peaceful, or in other words, comfortable. That’s exactly how we want our subjects to feel when we’re photographing them.

15. Nature Photography

designer nature photography

Whether you love landscape photography or the beauty of nature in general, this shirt has what you need. Take this photo t-shirt out on your next adventure or wear it indoors while you dream of getting back outside.

16. DSLR Camera Silhouette

best photo t shirts for photographers designer silhouette

This DSLR silhouette packs the stealth, mystery, and coolness of a certain DC Comics hero. Shadows and light direction work in tandem to elevate the drama in this unique photo t-shirt. Pick one up and wear it to your next night session.

17. Histogram

designer histogram

Photographers typically use histograms in an effort to maximize dynamic range. With these photo t-shirts, you can also maximize your fashion sense. It’s a win-win.

18. Aperture Adventure Photo T-Shirts

best photo t shirts for photographers designer aperture adventure

The team at Photogenic Supply offer up this entry as a sort of “choose your own adventure” design. It looks like a landscape drawing with photographic elements sewn into it. You can grab this shirt in a number of colors, all of which will inspire your next photography adventure.

19. Audiovisual

designer audio visual

This combination record player/film camera design will bring smiles to those who wear it AND see it worn. A loving tribute to analog technologies that fill our eyes and ears with some of the best things in life.

20. Camera Line Drawing

best photo t shirts for photographers designer line drawing

Sometimes, simplicity makes for the best option. Two simple lines come together to reveal our workhorse, the mighty camera, showcased here in a delicate design.

Practical Photo T-Shirts

This last collection of photo t-shirts features shirts you can use to teach others about photography, or even to help adjust your white balance in post! Check ‘em out!

21. What the F?

best photo t shirts for photographers practical aperture

Like others on this list, this design blends humor and design with practical information (though it leans mostly into humor). In this instance, the shirt gives us a basic visual of different aperture settings (aka f-stops) and pairs it with a clever pun.

22. Aperture Chart Photo T-Shirts

practical aperture chart

Use this aperture chart to memorize your f-numbers. The concept is as simple as the design.

23. Photography Pennant

best photo t shirts for photographers practical founding date

If you didn’t already know when photography came into being, now you do, and so will everyone who sees you in this shirt.

24. Photography Defined

practical definition

This definition might not quite match the one you’ll find in the dictionary, but that doesn’t make it any less true.

25. Storyteller Photo T-Shirts

best photo t shirts for photographers practical storyteller

A reminder of what photographers really do. There’s a reason people say a picture is worth a thousand words.

26. 18% Grey Card

best photo t shirts for photographers practical grey card

You can get this shirt for your assistant and put it to use during your next shoot. The next best thing to this design would be to sell shirts in this color (18% grey) and advertise them as such, thus eliminating the need to write what it is across the front.

27. Important Dates in Photo History

practical dates

This shirt takes the evolution of the camera to the next level and includes the dates (or at least the years) that these milestone cameras came into existence.


I hope you enjoyed this collection of the best photo t-shirts for photographers. Whether you choose to be fashionably funny, hip, or practical is your call, but at least you have options.


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