profoto d2

Which Is Better? Strobes Vs Speedlights For Product Photography

Best Lighting for Product Photography

Max Bridge

Choosing the correct light is essential for a product photographer. In this article, I discuss whether one can use the far far cheaper speedlight or if we must be stuck using only the most expensive strobes.

What is Flash Duration and Why Does It Matter?

Max Bridge

With the recent release of some fairly impressive flashes, there's been a lot of talk about flash durations. I've also noticed a lot of misinformation which, at worst, could be misleading people. Read this to make sure you're not being duped by the marketing hype.

Why I Paid To Have Paul C Buff Einstein’s Shipped To The UK

Why I Paid Through The Nose To Have Einsteins Shipped To The UK

Max Bridge

Why would someone pay so much more than EInstiens are worth to have them shipped to the UK? Am I mad? Decide for yourself here.