Julia Kuzmenko

Beauty & Fashion Photography | The Specifics That Divide The Great From The Mediocre
Julia Kuzmenko
These are the kind of specific pieces of information and advice you typically aren't taught by anything but experience.

The Canon 100mm Macro vs 100mm Macro ‘L’ For Fashion & Beauty Photography
Julia Kuzmenko
Julia takes two Canon 100mm Macro lenses on a real beauty shoot to see which is the better buy, and better lens.

How To Use Lighting & Contrast To Photograph Beautiful Skin | Julia Kuzmenko
Kishore Sawh
It would be fair to say that while certain body parts have their cyclical moments of fame and desire, it ...

Master Retoucher Creates Amazing Día de los Muertos Portrait Before Your Eyes
In the following video, see Julia at work her magic in creating this Día de los Muertos portrait: