
Lens Rentals Profoto Light Comparison by Zach Sutton

What’s the Big Difference Between the Profoto B1X, B10, and B10 Plus?

David Crewe

People asked Zach Sutton to put together a comparison of the Profoto B1X, Profoto B10, and Profoto B10+, and it's safe to say he went a bit overboard with this behemoth of an article. Please give it a read.

©Dave Moser

Lose the Glare! 3 Simple Steps to Cleaning Up Those Blinding Glares in Eyeglasses!

Dennis Dunbar

What do you do when the person you’re shooting is wearing glasses and you've caught some reflections and glare in the lens? Fortunately there is a relatively simple way to deal with this in Adobe Photoshop so your portrait can shine without that distracting glare.