Canon 400mm F/5.6L

Canon 400mm F/5.6L Review

Anthony Thurston

I have wanted to get my hands on the 400mm F/5.6 to review for a while now. It has a good reputation as a great lens for wildlife and day shooting where you may need a 400mm - a HS baseball game for example. Being as sports and wildlife are probably two of my favorite ways to enjoy photography, this lens has always intrigued me.

Can You Spot The Difference? $1300 Canon 400mm F/5.6L vs $11,500 Canon 400mm F/2.8L

Anthony Thurston

If there was one way of thinking that I could eradicate from the photography world it would be the assumption that "lens a" is way better than "lens b" due to the price. Lenses come in all shapes and sizes, some are more expensive than others, and yes in general more expensive lenses are "better" than cheaper lenses. But just how much better are they?