How Much Do You Know About Masking In Photoshop? You May Be Surprised
Max Bridge
If you don’t fully understand masking in Photoshop, then you don’t fully understand Photoshop. Seriously, if you don’t know all of these techniques, then you are missing some significant knowledge from your editing arsenal.
Photoshop’s New ‘Focus Area’ Tool Makes For Easy Masking & Great Portraits
Kishore Sawh
With the new 'Focus Area' tool, we can let Photoshop choose what area to mask depending on the in and out of focus areas of an image. Great for portraits, it also works to easily separate a busy background as shown within.
9 Ways to Make Photoshop’s Adjustment Layers Easier to Use
Topher Kelly
There are far more photographers – from the amateur to the professional – who have embraced the need to become adept at Photoshop than those who haven't. Once you have the basics down, it simply becomes a matter of refining those skills and having a more efficient workflow.