When and How to Rename Your Files in Lightroom

Trevor Dayley

It makes total sense to think that the best time to rename your final images is upon export, but let me show you why this method may not be the most advantageous for you and provide you an alternative way to renaming and organizing your files.

When and How to Rename Your Files in Lightroom Video

Renaming Your Files in Lightroom

When you’re ready to make your final JPEG exports after working on a wedding or portrait session, renaming your files at this time will save your images with names that no longer match your RAWs in Lightroom. This ends up presenting us with a potential problem. If clients were to call and ask to have additional edits made to their images, referencing the exact image will prove to be difficult as you may go back to the file number your client referred to but it ends up being something completely different. Not only does this cause an unnecessary issue but it also potentially makes an extra step for your clients to have to send you the picture they’re talking about.

So instead, after having completed all of my edits in my Lightroom module, I select all of the images I would like to export. Then, I press F2 on a PC (Function + F2 on a Mac) to pull up the Rename dialog box. I like to have my images renamed with a 4 digit number sequence so that my images are in consecutive order.

If you do not have that option, you can edit and create your own export preset.


Here we are making sure we can always set our custom text and the correct number sequence.


Now when you export your JPEG files, their names will appear the same as your RAW files and things are now easier for you to find for yourself and for your clients.



Thanks for watching! If you would like more information about how to increase your efficiency in Lightroom, check out our Lightroom Crash Course Workshop where we show you everything from how to organize your images to mastering post production. Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos, tutorials, and updates!



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